Each volunteer will receive a packet including these policies and pertinent sections of the established by-laws. A complete copy of The Good Shepherd Center Incorporated by-laws are available for review upon request.
The Center is entrusted with gifts of assorted nature and all donations, regardless of kind, will be properly accounted for. No one is permitted to remove any Center donation without it first being processed through the Center's personnel
The Center is committed to people, therefore, all information pertaining to donations and receipts, as well as disbursements will be handled with the utmost confidentiality.
Each new volunteer to the Center offers various talents and experiences and should have opportunity to work in "position" desired. Position availability will be determined by number needed.
Volunteers working at the Center will be responsible to the Executive Director and Administrative Assistant. Volunteers are requested to sign in and out on the time sheet provided.
Safety is paramount and anyone seeing a safety hazard or unsafe condition should report same to the Center's office personnel
A volunteer must not lift or carry anything that would cause a personal injury, but must secure help as needed.
The Center is a No Smoking facility.
Please note and remember we must show respect for all who enter The Good Shepherd Center regardless of creed, race, nationality, ability, or Lifestyle--client, patient, customer or other volunteers.
All donations received must be first sent to basement for processing before being available for sale.